About us

The adoption of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals was the starting signal for the Global Goals Curriculum Conference 2016 in Berlin.

During the conference, we all - young people, teachers and all other participants, keynote speakers, workshop designers - established the foundation for the GGC Program on three inspiring days. The response to the conference, the projects and cooperations launched afterwards, was so strong, that the founding of the association was the logical next step. Now, together with development partners and supporters from various social sectors, we are shaping the Global Goals Curriculum:

“For a new learning and working culture in schools, civil society, and business. For a sustainable world. For everyone. In all countries.”

Meet the GGC Team

Rosa Zumbusch


Moritz Oesterlau


Arne Lorenz


Florian Sievert


Christian Hausner


Kerstin Wilmans


The GGC Program is developed in close cooperation with our partners

Und mit Unterstützung von:

Kultusministerium BW
Kultusministerium BW
BMB Österreich
BMB Österreich
Deutsche Schulakademie gGmbH
Deutsche Schulakademie gGmbH
UNESCO Projektschulen
UNESCO Projektschulen
Ashoka Changemaker Schools
Ashoka Changemaker Schools
Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum
Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum
Schule im Aufbruch gGmbH
Schule im Aufbruch gGmbH
Bildungswerk für Schülervertretung und Schülerbeteiligung e.V.
Bildungswerk für Schülervertretung und Schülerbeteiligung e.V.

Support us

Join the GGC Community and enable the development of the Global Goals Curriculum. Support our work and contribute to a new learning and working culture for a sustainable world.

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