Changemakers United Online Summit


Together with an alliance of partners from across Europe, Ashoka is helping alleviate both the immediate disruption Covid19 brings to communities across Europe, as well as play a vital role in addressing the longer-term consequences of the crisis on our societies and economies.

Through Changemakers United, we are sourcing, disseminating, supporting, connecting and scaling solutions of innovative social entrepreneurs to the challenges Covid-19 presents to the world. We do so by leveraging Ashoka’s well-established network of social innovators as well as the partners networks, workforce and communities they are a part of.

The Changemakers United Global Online Summit is the most visible milestone of the initiative, where we will present 20 social innovators invited into the program and their systemic solutions to the pandemic and its consequences.

More information about the Changemakers United program here:
More information about Ashoka here:

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